Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors

Nationally renowned experts deliver outstanding care for musculoskeletal tumors

Bone Cancer, Sarcoma and Soft Tissue Tumor Services

Musculoskeletal tumors, including bone cancer and sarcomas, are rare in children. These tumors develop in muscles and soft tissue anywhere in the body and can be cancerous or noncancerous.

If your child has one of these tumors, you want the best possible care. And that’s what you’ll find at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. We are a comprehensive program delivering services that optimize your child’s orthopedic health.

Bone and soft tissue tumors may or may not be cancerous. They can become large enough to cause discomfort or affect your child’s ability to move. We conduct a thorough evaluation, explain the diagnosis and recommend the best therapies for your child.


Evaluation often starts with imaging studies. We work with radiologists specializing in musculoskeletal issues for the most precise interpretations. Find out more about orthopedic evaluations.

Confirming the diagnosis often involves taking a tissue sample. We use minimally invasive techniques, such as a needle for tumors near the skin’s surface. We may use arthroscopy for more difficult-to-reach tumors. This procedure involves small incisions, tiny instruments and a camera that enable us to reach and assess the tumor.

Pediatric Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Surgery

The surgery your child may need depends on the type of tumor and its size and location. Care may involve removing sections of bone and nearby soft tissue.

Our experts use limb-sparing techniques whenever possible. It’s for tumors affecting the limbs and focuses on retaining healthy tissue so your child can avoid amputation (surgically removing a limb). We may also apply surgical hardware to strengthen nearby bones, lowering the risk of a fracture.

Additional surgeons may take part in the operation if the tumor is in or near your child’s spine. Our team includes experts with advanced training in pediatric spine surgery. They ensure the spine is stable after removing the tumor. Explore our spine program.

Additional Pediatric Musculoskeletal Tumor Therapies

Your child’s personalized care plan may include:

  • Chemotherapy: We deliver drugs and other substances that eliminate rapidly dividing cells or ones with specific genetic mutations.
  • Radiation therapy: This treatment delivers focused radiation beams to the tumor to destroy abnormal cells. We may recommend radiation therapy if we cannot surgically remove the entire tumor.
  • Rehabilitation: Your child may need physical therapy after treatment to help regain use of the affected area. Rehab may include gentle stretches and exercises that help your child safely resume daily activities. Find out more about [U18] Sports Medicine.

Learn about our pediatric orthopedic services

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Pediatric Musculoskeletal Tumors We Treat

Tumors we treat include:

  • Bone cysts
  • Bone cancer (osteosarcoma)
  • Chondrosarcoma
  • Chordoma
  • Ewing’s sarcoma
  • Multiple myeloma

Musculoskeletal Tumor Care at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital

Occasional bone or joint discomfort and swollen lumps are typically not something to worry about. But if standard therapies aren’t successful, your child may benefit from an evaluation by one of our orthopedic surgeons. We offer the best bone and soft tissue tumor care in South Florida.

Highlights of our program include:

  • Expertise and leadership: Our team includes one of the nation’s foremost pediatric musculoskeletal tumor experts. This specialist completed advanced training in one of the top programs. They also hold leadership positions in professional organizations and publish research about the best care methods. Meet our team.
  • Surgical excellence: The primary treatment for pediatric bone cancer, sarcomas and soft tissue tumors is surgery. We remove the cancer while preserving as much healthy tissue as possible. Procedures may involve reconstruction, which uses tissue from other body areas to optimize appearance and function.
  • Pediatric cancer care: Your child receives additional therapies, if needed, from other nationally recognized cancer experts. Oncologists with the highest training in pediatric cancer care provide compassionate, family-centered services using the latest methods. Learn more about our pediatric cancer program.
  • Other orthopedic services: If we rule out a musculoskeletal tumor, we don’t stop until we determine the cause of your child’s symptoms. Our team includes highly skilled specialists in nearly every pediatric orthopedic specialty, including hip, upper extremity and spine care. We conduct additional testing and may discuss findings as a group before making treatment recommendations.